Our programmes favour personal and professional development by providing practical, specific and advanced knowledge and tools.

ORSC – Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching

People exist in relation to each other and by definition comprise a system. The visible part is how we organise ourselves, i.e. the rules and structures that we develop to achieve common objectives. The non-visible part develops in parallel to this; it is just as important and does not depend on these rules, but on how they are transmitted, understood and carried out.

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Strozzi – Embodied Leadership

"We are what we do, and we’re always doing something”. Observing what we do is a good way to find out who we are. To what extent are our actions in line with our objectives, be they personal or professional? If we have the presence and impact we desire, the quality relationships we want or the well-being necessary, it’s because of the decisions we make and the actions we take.

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Systematic Facilitation

Systematic Facilitation (SF) is a method for creating spaces, giving them purpose and upholding their qualities so that the information in a system can emerge so that the processes of a team become successful.

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Neuroleadership represents a revolutionary and innovative perspective regarding the conceptualization of leadership and the key factors for its effective exercise.

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